NRHA Germany Annual General Meeting 2020 cancelled

"Unfortunately, we have to cancel this year's annual general meeting," announces the president of the NRHA Germany, Joachim Zangerle. "Due to the current COVID-19 situation, we are not allowed to host an event of this size." Normally the NRHA Germany holds its annual General Assembly during the Easter Tournament. This year, however, it has been postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak and has now been cancelled completely. This is only allowed in very exceptional cases and under the following conditions, which the NRHA Germany has carefully reviewed
1) there are no decisions that cannot be postponed and cannot be made by circulation procedure,
2) the term of office of the members of the Board of Directors continues until the next General Meeting or could be extended by circulation procedure and
3) a virtual general meeting involves a disproportionate amount of work, taking into account the membership structure.
"We have tried everything, but the current situation leaves us no choice. We can only hope that we will be able to hold the annual general meeting next year in the usual way again," says Joachim Zangerle. All motions submitted so far will be dealt with at the next Annual General Meeting, which will probably be held at the upcoming Easter tournament. Then also regularly the new elections of the executive committee will take place. Until then, the board will ensure that the club members are informed about current events. This will be done through NRHA Germany's own channels such as the website, Facebook, Instagram and the club magazine "Slide In".
All members of the NRHA Germany have also been informed via email. If you have not received an email, please send your current email address to so that you can continue to receive all important information.