Click on the link below to download the full pattern book to your mobile device or desktop or scroll down to see all of the patterns and a detailed description of the maneuvers.
Pattern 1

marker and do a left rollback—no hesitation.
2. Run to the opposite end of the arena past the end marker and do a right rollback—no hesitation.
3. Run past the center marker and do a sliding stop. Back up to center of the arena or at least ten feet (three meters). Hesi- tate.
4. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate.
5. Complete four and one-quarter spins to the left so that
horse is facing left wall or fence. Hesitate.
6. Beginning on the left lead, complete three circles to the left: the first circle large and fast; the second circle small and slow; the third circle large and fast. Change leads at the center of the arena.
7. Complete three circles to the right: the first circle large and fast; the second circle small and slow; the third circle large and fast. Change leads at the center of the arena.
8. Begin a large fast circle to the left but do not close this circle. Run straight up the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a sliding stop at least twenty feet (six meters) from wall or fence. Hesitate to demonstrate the com- pletion of the pattern.
Pattern 2

1. Beginning on the right lead, complete three circles to the right: the first circle small and slow; the next two circles large and fast. Change leads at the center of the arena.
2. Complete three circles to the left: the first circle small and slow; the next two circles large and fast. Change leads at the center of the arena.
3. Continue around previous circle to the right. At the top of the circle, run down the middle to the far end of the arena past the end marker and do a right rollback—no hesitation.
4. Run up the middle to the opposite end of the arena past the end marker and do a left rollback—no hesitation.
5. Run past the center marker and do a sliding stop. Back up to the center of the arena or at least ten feet (three meters). Hesitate.
6. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate.
7. Complete four spins to the left. Hesitate to demonstrate the completion of the pattern.
Pattern 3

rollback—no hesitation.
2. Continue straight up the right side of the arena circle back around the top of the arena, and staying at least twenty feet (six meters) from the walls or fence, run straight down the left side of the arena past the center marker and do a right roll- back—no hesitation.
3. Continue up the left side of the arena to the center marker. At the center marker, the horse should be on the right lead. Guide the horse to the center of the arena on the right lead and complete three circles to the right: the first two circles large and fast; the third circle small and slow. Change leads at the center of the arena.
4. Complete three circles to the left: the first two circles large and fast; the third circle small and slow. Change leads in the center of the arena.
5. Begin a large fast circle to the right but do not close this circle. Continue up the left side of the arena, circle the top of the arena, and staying at least twenty feet (six meters) from the walls or fence, run straight down the opposite or right side of the arena past the center marker and do a sliding stop. Back up at least ten feet (three meters). Hesitate.
6. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate.
7. Complete four spins to the left. Hesitate to demonstrate completion of the pattern.
Pattern 4

1. Beginning on the right lead, complete three circles to the right: the first two large and fast; the third circle small and slow. Stop at the center of the arena. Hesitate.
2. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate.
3. Beginning on the left lead, complete three circles to the left: the first two circles large and fast; the third circle small and slow. Stop at the center of the arena. Hesitate.
4. Complete four spins to the left. Hesitate.
5. Beginning on the right lead, run a large fast circle to the right, change leads at the center of the arena, run a large fast circle to the left, and change leads at the center of the arena.
6. Continue around previous circle to the right. At the top of the circle, run down the middle to the far end of the arena past the end marker and do a right rollback—no hesitation.
7. Run up the middle to the opposite end of the arena past the end marker and do a left rollback—no hesitation.
8. Run past the center marker and do a sliding stop. Back up to the center of the arena or at least ten feet (three meters). Hesitate to demonstrate completion of the pattern.
Pattern 5

1. Beginning on the left lead, complete three circles to the left: the first two circles large and fast; the third circle small and slow. Stop at the center of the arena. Hesitate.
2. Complete four spins to the left. Hesitate.
3. Beginning on the right lead, complete three circles to the right: the first two circles large and fast; the third circle small and slow. Stop at the center of the arena. Hesitate.
4. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate.
5. Beginning on the left lead, run a large fast circle to the left, change leads at the center of the arena, run a large fast circle to the right, and change leads at the center of the arena. (Figure 8)
6. Continue around previous circle to the left but do not close this circle. Run up the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a right rollback at least twenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence—no hesitation.
7. Continue around previous circle but do not close this circle. Run up the left side of the arena past the center marker and do a left rollback at least twenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence—no hesitation.
8. Continue back around previous circle but do not close this circle. Run up the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a sliding stop at least twenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence. Back up at least ten feet (three meters). Hesitate to demonstrate completion of the pattern.
Pattern 6

1. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate.
2. Complete four spins to the left. Hesitate.
3. Beginning on the left lead, complete three circles to the left: the first two circles large and fast; the third circle small and slow. Change leads at the center of the arena.
4. Complete three circles to the right: the first two circles large and fast; the third circle small and slow. Change leads at the center of the arena.
5. Begin a large fast circle to the left but do not close this circle. Run up the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a right rollback at least twenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence—no hesitation.
6. Continue back around previous circle but do not close this circle. Run up the left side of the arena past the center marker and do a left rollback at least twenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence—no hesitation.
7. Continue back around previous circle but do not close this circle. Run up the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a sliding stop at least twenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence. Back up at least ten feet (three meters). Hesitate to demonstrate the completion of the pattern.
Pattern 7

1. Run at speed to the far end of the arena past the end
marker and do a left rollback—no hesitation.
2. Run to the opposite end of the arena past the end marker and do a right rollback—no hesitation.
3. Run past the center marker and do a sliding stop. Back up to the center of the arena or at least ten feet (three meters). Hesitate.
4. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate.
5. Complete four and one-quarter spins to the left so that
horse is facing left wall or fence. Hesitate.
6. Beginning on the right lead, complete three circles to the right: the first two circles large fast; the third circle small and slow. Change leads at the center of the arena.
7. Complete three circles to the left: the first two circles large fast; the third circle small and slow. Change leads at the center of the arena.
8. Begin a large fast circle to the right but do not close this circle. Run straight down the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a sliding stop at least twenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence. Hesitate to demonstrate com- pletion of the pattern.
Pattern 8

Horses may walk or trot to the center of arena. (To assist with the show schedule, show management may require that horses be jogged to center. Show management is responsible for posting this requirement.) Horses must walk or stop prior to starting pattern. Beginning at the center of arena facing the left wall or fence.
1. Complete four spins to the left. Hesitate.
2. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate.
3. Beginning on the right lead, complete three circles to the right: the first circle large and fast; the second circle small and slow; the third circle large and fast. Change leads at the center of the arena.
4. Complete three circles to the left: the first circle large and fast; the second circle small and slow; the third circle large and fast. Change leads at the center of the arena.
5. Begin a large fast circle to the right but do not close this circle. Run straight down the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a left rollback at least twenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence—no hesitation.
6. Continue back around the previous circle but do not close this circle. Run down the left side of the arena past the center maker and do a right rollback at least twenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence—no hesitation.
7. Continue back around the previous circle but do not close this circle. Run down the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a sliding stop at least twenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence. Back up at least ten feet (three meters). Hesitate to demonstrate completion of the pattern.
Pattern 9

2. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate.
3. Complete four and one-quarter spins to the left so that horse is facing the left wall or fence. Hesitate.
4. Beginning on the left lead, complete three circles to the left: the first circle small and slow; the next two circles large and fast. Change leads at the center of the arena.
5. Complete three circles to the right: the first circle small and slow; the next two circles large and fast. Change leads at the center of the arena.
6. Begin a large fast circle to the left but do not close this circle. Run up the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a right rollback at least twenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence—no hesitation.
7. Continue back around the previous circle but do not close this circle. Run up the left side of the arena past the center marker and do a left rollback at least twenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence—no hesitation.
8. Continue back around previous circle but do not close this circle. Run up right side of the arena past the center marker and do a sliding stop at least twenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence. Hesitate to demonstrate completion of the pattern.
Pattern 10

2. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate.
3. Complete four and one-quarter spins to the left so that the horse is facing the left wall or fence. Hesitate.
4. Beginning on the right lead, complete three circles to the right: the first two circles large and fast, the third circle small and slow. Change leads at the center of the arena.
5. Complete three circles to the left: the first circle small and slow, the next two circles large and fast. Change leads at the center of the arena.
6. Begin a large fast circle to the right but do not close this circle. Run down the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a left rollback at least twenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence—no hesitation.
7. Continue back around the previous circle but do not close this circle. Run down the left side of the arena past the center and do a right rollback at least twenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence—no hesitation.
8. Continue back around previous circle but do not close this circle. Run down the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a sliding stop at least twenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence. Hesitate to demonstrate completion of the pattern.
Pattern 11

Horses must trot to the center of the arena (see Judges Guide for maneuver description). Horses must walk or stop prior to starting the pattern. Beginning at the center of the arena facing the left wall or fence.
1. Complete four spins to the left. Hesitate.
2. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate
3. Beginning on the right lead complete three circles to the right; the first circle small and slow; the next two circles large and fast. Change leads at the center of the arena.
4. Complete three circles to the left; the first circle small and slow; the next two circles large and fast. Change leads at the center of the arena.
5. Begin a large circle to the right, but do not close this circle. Run down the center of the arena past the end marker and do a right rollback—no hesitation.
6. Run up the middle to the opposite end of the arena past the end marker and do a left rollback—no hesitation.
7. Run past the center marker and do a sliding stop. Back up to the center of the arena or at least ten feet (three meters). Hesitate to demonstrate completion of the pattern.
Pattern 12

2. Complete four spins to the right. 3. Complete four and one-quarter spins to the left so
that the horse is facing the left wall or fence. Hesitate.
4. Beginning on the left lead, compete three circles to the left: the first two circles large and fast; the third circle small and slow. Change leads at the center of the arena.
5. Complete three circles to the right: the first two circles large and fast; the third circle small and slow. Change leads at the center for the arena.
6. Begin a large circle to the left but do not close this circle. Run up the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a right rollback at least 20 feet (6 meters) from the wall or fence-no hesitation.
7. Continue back around previous circle but to not close this circle. Run up the left side of the arena and past the center marker and do a left rollback at least 20 feet (6 meters) from the wall or fence-no hesitation.
8. Continue back around previous circle but do not close this circle. Run up the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a sliding stop at least 20 feet (6 meters) from the wall or fence.
Rider may drop bridle to the designated judge.
Pattern 13

ing the left wall or fence
2. Complete four spins to the left. Hesitate.
3. Beginning on the right lead, complete two circles to the right: the first being large and fast; the second circle small and slow. Stop at the center of the arena.
4. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate.
5. Beginning on the left lead, run a large fast circle to the left, change leads at the center of the arena, run a large fast circle to the right, and change leads at the center of the arena.
6. Continue around previous circle to the left but do not close this circle. Run up the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a right rollback at least 20 feet (6meters) from the wall or fence-no hesitation.
7. Continue around previous circle but do not close this circle. Run up the left side of the arena past the center marker and do a left rollback at least 20 feet (6 meters) from the wall or fence-no hesitation.
8. Continue back around previous circle but do not close this circle. Run up the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a sliding stop at least 20 feet (6 meters) from the wall or fence. Back up at least 10 feet (3 meters).
Hesitate to demonstrate completion of the pattern. Rider may drop bridle to the designated judge.
Pattern 14

Horses may walk or jog to the center of arena. (To assist with the show schedule, show management may require that horses be jogged to center. Show management is responsible for posting this requirement.) Horses must walk or stop prior to starting pattern. Beginning atthe center of the arena facing the left wall or fence.
1. Complete four spins to the left. Hesitate.
2. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate.
3. Beginning on the right lead, complete three circles tothe right: the first two circles large and fast; the thirdcircle small and slow. Change leads at the center of thearena.
4. Complete three circles to the left: the first two circleslarge and fast; the third circle small and slow. Changeleads at the center of the arena.
5. Begin a large circle to the right but do not close thiscircle. Run up the right side of the arena past the centermarker and do a left rollback at least twenty feet (sixmeters) from the wall or fence—no hesitation.
6. Continue back around previous circle but do not closethis circle. Run up the left side of the arena past thecenter marker and do a right rollback at least twenty feet(six meters) from the wall or fence—no hesitation.
7. Continue back around previous circle but do not closethis circle. Run up the right side of the arena past thecenter marker and do a sliding stop at least twenty feet(six meters) from the wall or fence. Back up at least tenfeet (three meters). Hesitate to demonstrate the completionof the pattern
Pattern 15

Horses may walk or jog to the center of arena. (To assist with the show schedule, show management may require that horses be jogged to center. Show management is responsible for posting this requirement.) Horses must walk or stop prior to starting pattern. Beginning atthe center of arena facing the left wall or fence.
1. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate.
2. Complete four spins to the left. Hesitate.
3. Beginning on the left lead, complete three circles tothe left: the first circle large and fast; the second circlesmall and slow; the third circle large and fast. Changeleads at the center of the arena.
4. Complete three circles to the right: the first circle largeand fast; the second circle small and slow; the thirdcircle large and fast. Change leads at the center of thearena.
5. Begin a large circle to the left but do not close thiscircle. Run straight down the right side of the arena pastthe center marker and do a right rollback at least twentyfeet (six meters) from the wall or fence—no hesitation.
6. Continue back around the previous circle but do notclose this circle. Run down the left side of the arena pastthe center maker and do a left rollback at least twentyfeet (six meters) from the wall or fence—no hesitation
7. Continue back around the previous circle but do notclose this circle. Run down the right side of the arenapast the center marker and do a sliding stop at leasttwenty feet (six meters) from the wall or fence. Back upat least ten feet (three meters). Hesitate to demonstratecompletion of the pattern.
Pattern 16

1. Run past the center marker and do a sliding stop. Backup to the center of the arena or at least 10 feet (3meters). Hesitate
.2. Complete four spins to the left. Hesitate.
3. Complete four and one-quarter spins to the right sothat the horse is facing the right wall or fence. Hesitate.
4. Beginning on the right lead, compete three circles tothe right: the first two circles large and fast; the thirdcircle small and slow. Change leads at the center of thearena.
5. Complete three circles to the left: the first two circleslarge and fast; the third circle small and slow. Changeleads at the center for the arena.
6. Begin a large circle to the right but do not close thiscircle. Run up the left side of the arena past the centermarker and do a left rollback at least 20 feet (6 meters)from the wall or fence-no hesitation.
7. Continue back around previous circle but to not closethis circle. Run up the right side of the arena and pastthe center marker and do a right rollback at least 20 feet(6 meters) from the wall or fence-no hesitation.
8. Continue back around previous circle but do not closethis circle. Run up the left side of the arena past thecenter marker and do a sliding stop at least 20 feet (6meters) from the wall or fence. Hesitate to demonstratecompletion of pattern
Pattern 17

Begin on the left lead. Continue to the center of the arena to
begin the pattern facing toward the left wall or fence, without
stopping or breaking gait.
1. Continue on the left lead, complete two circles to the left:
the first circle large and fast; the second circle small and slow.
Stop at the center of the arena. Hesitate.
2. Complete four spins to the left. Hesitate.
3. Beginning on the right lead, complete two circles to the right:
the first being large and fast; the second circle small and slow.
Stop at the center of the arena. Hesitate.
4. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate.
5. Beginning on the left lead, run a large fast circle to the left,
change leads at the center of the arena, run a large fast circle to
the right, and change leads at the center of the arena (figure 8).
6. Continue around previous circle to the left but do not close
this circle. Run up the right side of the arena past the center
marker and do a right rollback at least 20 feet (6meters) from
the wall or fence-no hesitation.
7. Continue around previous circle but do not close this cir-
cle. Run up the left side of the arena past the center marker
and do a left rollback at least 20 feet (6 meters) from the wall
or fence-no hesitation.
8. Continue back around previous circle but do not close this
circle. Run up the right side of the arena past the center mark-
er and do a sliding stop at least 20 feet (6 meters) from the wall
or fence. Back up at least 10 feet (3 meters). Hesitate to demon-
strate completion of pattern.
Pattern 18

Begin on the left lead. Continue to the center of the arena to
begin the pattern facing toward the left wall or fence, without
stopping or breaking gait.
1. Continue on the left lead, complete three circles to the left:
the first two circles large and fast; the third circle small and
slow. Stop at the center of the arena. Hesitate.
2. Complete four spins to the left. Hesitate.
3. Beginning on the right lead, complete three circles to the
right: the first two circles large and fast; the third circle small
and slow. Stop at the center of the arena. Hesitate.
4. Complete four spins to the right. Hesitate.
5. Beginning on the left lead, run a large fast circle to the
left, change leads at the center of the arena, run a large fast
circle to the right, and change leads at the center of the are-
na. (Figure 8)
6. Continue around previous circle to the left but do not close
this circle. Run up the right side of the arena past the center
marker and do a right rollback at least twenty feet (six meters)
from the wall or fence—no hesitation.
7. Continue around previous circle but do not close this circle.
Run up the left side of the arena past the center marker and
do a left rollback at least twenty feet (six meters) from the wall
or fence—no hesitation.
8. Continue back around previous circle but do not close this
circle. Run up the right side of the arena past the center mark-
er and do a sliding stop at least twenty feet (six meters) from
the wall or fence. Back up at least ten feet (three meters). Hes-
itate to demonstrate completion of the pattern.
Pattern A

To be used for the Youth 10 & Under Short Stirrup class only.
Horses may walk or jog to the center of the arena. (To assist with the show schedule, show management may require that horses be jogged to center. Show management is responsible for posting this requirement.) Horses must walk or stop prior to starting the pattern. Beginning at the center of the arena facing the left wall or fence.
1. Beginning on the left lead, complete two circles to the left. Stop at the center of the arena. Hesitate.
2. Complete two spins to the left. Hesitate.
3. Beginning on the right lead complete two circles to the
right. Stop at the center of the arena. Hesitate.
4. Complete two spins to the right. Hesitate.
5. Beginning on the left lead, go around the end of the arena, run down the right side of the arena past center marker, stop and roll back right.
6. Continue around the end of the arena to run down the left side of the arena past the center marker. Stop. Back up.
See the Judges’ Guide for a summary of other allowances made in the Handbook.
Pattern B

1. Beginning, lope straight up the right side of the arena, circle the top of the arena run straight down the opposite or left side of the arena past the center mark and do a right rollback—no hesitation.
2. Continue straight up the left side of the arena circle back around the top of the arena run straight down the right side of the arena past the center marker and do a left rollback—no hesitation.
3. Continue up the right side of the arena to the center marker, at the center marker the horse should be on the left lead and complete two circles to the left, one large fast and one small slow. Stop at center
4. Complete three spins to the left. Hesitate. 5. Complete two circles to the right, one large fast and
one small slow. Stop at center.
6. Complete three spins to the right. Hesitate.
7. Begin a large circle to the left, do not close the circle. Continue up the center of the arena past the center marker and do a sliding stop.
8. Back up at least ten feet. Hesitate to demonstrate completion of the pattern.
See the Judges’ Guide for a summary of other allowances made in the Handbook